ATF 22 panels started / 360 Degree Cycling Tourism

The most productive fair of the Mediterranean, ATF is meeting with the professionals of the tourism sector with full panels this year. The first of the panels that will take place today started with the “360 Degree Cycling Tourism” panel.
"Bike Tourism", the trend theme of ATF22, will be discussed in various sessions for 2 days. In the panels held with the cooperation of Antalya Tourism Fair and Cycling Tourism Association, TGA Turkey Tourism Development Agency and Ministry of Culture and Tourism, professionals who are experts in the subject shed light on the sector by emphasizing the importance of bicycle tourism in the tourism trends brought by our age and shaped according to the holiday understanding of consumers.
In addition to bicycle tourism, main topics such as the latest situation in world markets, the power of destinations, digital marketing and domestic market are also included in the ATF22 panels. The first session of the panel program, which was full of 10 sessions in total, started with the intense interest of the sector representatives.
The panelists of the 360 Degree Cycling Tourism panel, which will be moderated by Bicycle Tourism Expert Alparslan Güvenç; T.R. Director of General Directorate of Investments and Enterprises Elçin Şimşek Öncü, Turkish Cycling Federation President Emin Müftüoğlu, TÜRSAB Sports Specialization President Recep Şamil Yaşacan, Antalya Provincial Culture and Tourism Director Candemir Zoroğlu and Cycling Tourism Association President Tolga Gündüz.
The topics of the panels are; The Certification Process of Bicycle Friendly Hotels, the Studies of the Turkish Cycling Federation for the Development of Bicycle Tourism, the Studies on the Bicycle Friendly Agency and Bicycle Guidance as TÜRSAB, the Evaluation of Antalya in terms of Sports Tourism and the Spread of Tourism to 12 Months and Creation of Cycling Routes.
Cycling Tourism Association President Tolga Gündüz thanked Selçuk Meral for his support and hosting and presented a plaque.
-“Bisiklet Dostu Otellerin Sertifikasyon Süreci”
“Cycling Friendly Hotels Certification Process”
Konuşmacı: Elçin Şimşek Öncü (T.C. Yatırımlar Ve İşletmeler Genel Müdürlüğü Daire Başkanı)
Speaker: Elçin Şimşek Öncü (Head Of Department Of General Directorate Of Invest. & Enterprises Of Türkiye)
-“Türkiye Bisiklet Federasyonu’nun Bisiklet Turizminin Gelişimi İçin Yaptığı Çalışmalar”
-“Projects On Cycling Tourism Development Empowered By Türkiye Cycling Federation”
Konuşmacı: Emin Müftüoğlu (Türkiye Bisiklet Federasyonu Başkanı)
Speaker: Emin Müftüoğlu (President Of Türkiye Cycling Federation)
-“TÜRSAB Olarak Bisiklet Dostu Acente Ve Bisiklet Rehberliği Ile İlgili Çalışmalar”
-“As Türsab, Projects On Cycling Friendly Agency And Cycling Guidance”
Konuşmacı: Recep Şamil Yaşacan (TÜRSAB Spor İhtisas Başkanı)
Speaker: Recep Şamil Yaşacan (President of TÜRSAB Sports Specialization)
-“Antalya’nın Spor Turizmi Açısından Değerlendirilmesi Ve Turizmin 12 Aya Yayılması”
– “Evaluation Of Antalya In Terms Of Sports Tourism & Attracting Tourism To 12 Months”
Konuşmacı: Candemir Zoroğlu (Antalya İl Kültür Turizm Müdürü)
Speaker: Candemir Zoroğlu (Antalya Provincial Director of Culture and Tourism)
-“Bisiklet Turizminden Nasıl Para Kazanacağız. Bisiklet Rotalarını Oluşturulması”
-“How Will We Make Money From Cycling Tourism. Creating Cycling Routes”
Konuşmacı: Tolga Gündüz (Bisiklet Turizmi Derneği Başkanı)
Speaker: Tolga Gündüz (President of Cycling Tourism Association)
Moderatör: Alparslan Güvenç (Bisiklet Turizmi Uzmanı)
Moderator: Alparslan Güvenç (Cycling Tourism Specialist)