Intervıew wıth Samıl Yasacan Presıdent of the of Sports Tourısm Assocıatıon

Sport Tourism Union Association President Recep Shamil Yaşacan of each year, the Turkish teams in Antalya his half-time camp period short enough time this year, league matches and Ziraat Turkey Cup they are faced with the inability to do because of the events, he said.
"The capital of tourism" as assessed in Antalya, FIFA criteria with pitches and Covidien-19 measures the postponed matches in the Premier League at the appropriate SANITARY hotel and corresponding to the same period of being asked to play the Ziraat Turkey Cup match:
- Sports Tourism Association President Recep Şamil YAŞACAN:
- "We want to deferred league matches corresponding to the camping period and Agriculture, Turkey Cup match to be played in Antalya"
With its accommodation and is ready for any organization with the appropriate sports facilities in the FIFA criteria in Antalya Turkish teams and clubs of camping in voicing no benefits in terms of both tourism and Yaşacan, "Turkey Football Federation (TFF) last July in Antalya 2 and 3 . 'leagues had organized the play-off matches. it was successful. the teams, players and broadcasters were very satisfied. we want the same sample that like camping period corresponding to the postponed league match and played to Antalya in Turkey Cup match. " he spoke.
- "Our hotels will both catch their occupancy and give a good message to abroad in the period when we call the dead season. Because we did not have any problems with Covid-19 in tourism"
Yaşacan stated that if such a decision is taken, their teams will not have any economic difficulties as they will spend for the camp instead of the displacement, and that the players who have not camped for a long time will be able to socialize.
YAŞACAN, who expressed his belief that TFF will organize a nice organization in the play-offs in July, continued as follows:
"Thanks to the studies carried out by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the Ministry of Health, they will camp in a new hotel in a hygienic environment. Our hotels will both catch their occupancy and give a good message to abroad in the period we call the dead season. We did not have any problems in any subject Why? A very good hygienic environment has been created in our hotels.
In this environment, deferred match of Agriculture, Turkey Cup matches can be organized and very nice. Everyone will be relieved about this. We believe that our teams will also be satisfied with this kind of organization.
It will be very economical. TFF will cover the travel expenses and the road expenses. Our clubs will also be camping. 10 birds will be shot with one stone. "
YAŞACAN, underlining that they received positive feedback from the clubs they were in contact with, said that they expected TFF to act on this issue.