Postponed matches ın Turkısh Leagues wıll be played ın Antalya

Antalya Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI) President David Cetin, Turkey has called on the Football Association, Premier League and lower leagues in the Ziraat Turkey Cup match was postponed matches to be played in Antalya requested.
Covidien-19 due to the restrictions of the biggest losses that saw the tourism industry, Turkey's tourism capital Antalya in the position that most affected the city from pandemic emphasizes David Cetin, Turkey Football Federation match of the decisions taken in the direction of playback in Antalya tourism and dear to related sectors He said there would be water
Sport Tourism Union Association President Recep Shamil Yaşacan, Super league postponed matches and Ziraat Turkey Cup match with David reminiscent proposed to be played in Antalya Cetin, said they supported until the end of the proposal, "the most important sport in the Mediterranean basin with international sports facilities owned in Antalya tourism destination in position. We host nearly 2 thousand local and foreign clubs only during the camping period. The tourism industry has been hit hard this year due to the pandemic. The loss in tourism, which is the backbone of Antalya's economy, hit many sectors connected to tourism. "It may be a relief to take football matches to our city."