Yasacan: ATF Contınues to Sıgn Success

Could you share with us your thoughts about Antalya Tourism Fair - ATF?
The first of the Antalya Tourism Fair took place successfully last year. I congratulate ATF's Founder Selçuk Meral and his Team. This Fair was a fair that should be in Antalya. Realized Successfully. I believe that it will continue on its way with the same success in the years to come. It proved its strength once again at the ATF Launch and Industry Gathering. ATF continues to achieve success. It brought 500 foreign agencies together with the sector. Fair tourism is important for our country. I think our government should give more support to the sector in this regard.
2021 will be a year like a bomb
Could you evaluate the year 2021? What are your predictions especially in terms of sports tourism?
The year 2021 feels like a bomb. But in which direction the bomb will be, we will see this together in the following processes. We have two scenarios ahead of us. As public and state officials, we can take our precautions and measures well in this period and if we manage this process well, we can live a bomb-like year in sports tourism in 2021. Or nothing can happen or a bomb may explode.