Yasacan : “Our Goal ıs 5 Bıllıon Euros Untıl 2023 wıth Cyclıng”

Yaşacan: "Our goal is 5 Billion Euros by 2023 with Bicycle Sport"
In YEP, which aims to further increase the contribution of tourism to the economy, there are comprehensive studies on "sports tourism". Turkey, the world determined to get their share of the pie. Especially in sports tourism, which spreads tourism to 12 months and brings tourists with high spending potential, infrastructure will be emphasized. The New Economic Program (YEP) in tourist destinations around, "Turkey Sport Tourism Inventory 'removed aimed at making the global publicity moves. Sports Tourism Union President Recep Shamil Yaşacan, 'Turkey's future sports tourism' saying, 5 years shura, workshops and that research with the system's regulation, now says it should be done quickly the infrastructure work.
According to the report of Duygu Erdogan from Milliyet; Turkey, according to estimates receiving a share of close to 1.5 per cent from the world of sports tourism pie. In countries with higher tourism income, this share meets 10 percent of the total tourism income.
Hundreds of fans came as tourists during Liverpool and Chelsea's UEFA Super Cup match in Istanbul. Turkish Airlines Golf Tournament in Antalya was the center of attention of golf tourists.
Yaşacan: There is a Goal of Earning 5 Billion Euros by 2023 with Cycling
Recep Shamil Yaşacan, Turkey does not receive its share, he said he wanted the potential in the world. Yaşacan said, “Only bicycle tourism provides an income of over 50 billion Euros to Europe. Turkey's total tourism revenue of 35 billion dollars in 2019. There is a target of getting a 5 billion Euro share from bicycle tourism until 2023. "If we look at the expected income from bicycle tourism, which is a single item within sports tourism, which is a very comprehensive field, we can better understand the size of the industry."
Explaining that sports tourism is also very valuable in terms of the image and promotion of countries, Yaşacan said, “You are on the agenda. Those who follow a single organization for days, those who wait for a tournament for months are talking about you. In addition, indirectly, you come to the fore in social media posts by organizations and athletes. It is not possible to get it done even with money ”.